In a groundbreaking move towards greater inclusivity, the highly anticipated “Barbie” movie,
set to premiere on Max next week, will feature a unique accessibility option aimed at
enhancing the cinematic experience for individuals with disabilities. This innovative feature
involves the incorporation of American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, underscoring the
commitment to inclusiveness embedded in the film’s narrative. As NDIS care providers on
the Gold Coast, we love reading things like this and thought it would make an excellent story
to close out 2023!
Max, the streaming platform responsible for bringing “Barbie” to audiences, believes that
this initiative goes beyond mere accessibility and aligns with the movie’s overarching theme.
Casey Bloys, Chairman and CEO of HBO and Max, expressed the intention to amplify the
empowering message of inclusiveness within the film. The addition of ASL interpretation
provides a distinctive viewing experience, ensuring that the deaf community can enjoy the
movie alongside their family and friends.
Bloys emphasised the significance of ASL as the primary language for many individuals
within the deaf community. The introduction of ASL interpretation aims to bridge
communication gaps and create a more immersive experience for a broader audience. By
having sign language performer Leila Hanaumi seamlessly integrated into the bottom right
corner of the screen, the ASL version of “Barbie” provides a visually harmonious and
inclusive presentation.
To signify its distinctiveness, Max will designate the ASL version of “Barbie” as its own title
on the streaming service, featuring key art that prominently displays the sign language
symbol. This deliberate distinction ensures that viewers can readily identify and access the
ASL-inclusive version of the movie.
In celebration of this groundbreaking feature, Max has planned a special screening event in
Los Angeles scheduled for next week. The event will not only showcase the ASL version of
“Barbie” but will also include a conversation between Leila Hanaumi and the film’s star,
Margot Robbie. This collaborative event is conducted in partnership with the esteemed
nonprofits Deaf West Theatre and RespectAbility, further highlighting the industry’s
commitment to fostering inclusivity.
“Barbie” will be available for streaming on Max starting December 15, offering both the
original version and the ASL-inclusive version. This move marks a significant stride towards
making mainstream entertainment more accessible and enjoyable for a diverse audience,
setting a positive precedent for the industry’s future endeavours in promoting inclusivity on